I have a CMS5 R2 SP1 site using a MultiplexingMembershipProvider with the SqlMembershipProvider first and StarSuiteMembershipProvider (Community 3.1.4) second (role provider is set up the same way). Does the order of the providers matter in this scenario?
The reason I ask is mostly that I get a problem with administering users. In EPiServer admin mode I get this problem with users from the StarSuiteMembershipProvider:
Searching by email does not generate hits for these users, only for SqlMembership users (searching by username works fine).
Adding the user to a role works fine, but removing a role does not work. I can remove the role from the list, but when I save the user the role is still there.
Changing the password of the user does not work, it generates an error "Unexpected Provider error! This may be caused by invalid combination of Role and Membership providers." in StarSuite.Core.Web.Authorization.MembershipProvider.ResetPassword . In the thread http://world.episerver.com/Forum/Pages/Thread.aspx?id=28907&epslanguage=en this is attributed to the fact that the StarSuite provider can not return data on minimum password requirements and that the EPiServer admin requires this. Is this still the case in R2 SP1 / SC 3.1.4 ?
I have a CMS5 R2 SP1 site using a MultiplexingMembershipProvider with the SqlMembershipProvider first and StarSuiteMembershipProvider (Community 3.1.4) second (role provider is set up the same way). Does the order of the providers matter in this scenario?
The reason I ask is mostly that I get a problem with administering users. In EPiServer admin mode I get this problem with users from the StarSuiteMembershipProvider: