Xforms - adding controls to xforms template


Hi all,

I'm really new to EpiServer, and what at first looked really simple doesn't seem to be.

I'm trying to add some simple controls to the sites xForms for simple captcha. The solution I'm working in was from another developer, but I believe I found the correct ascx page to add the new controls.

The pages code looks like this:

<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="FormPanel" CssClass="xForm">
    <xforms:xformcontrol ID="FormControl" runat="server" EnableClientScript="false" ValidationGroup="XForm" >

I added a label to test between the xforms tags:

<asp:Label ID="HumanValidationLabel" runat="server">Please verify that you are human.</asp:Label>

Should I be seeing this label in the xForm content area? Is there anything else I need to do besides dropping the label between the xform tags?




Nov 29, 2010 15:26
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