Exporting and Importing Episerver data between environments


Hey guys

Hoping you can help you out and let me know what the best practices are regarding copying data between our dev, test, staging and finally production environments.

I come from a Sitecore background, so in Sitecore we would create an export package which could contain a combination of data templates, page data and assets and then import that into which ever server I needed. Generally speaking we would only forward merge templates from Dev upwards and content from Production down...

I noticed in Episerver from admin I could create an export and could select what I wanted and it would then allow me to download those changes (figured out I could open ) and re-import them into the other servers. Except it doesn't work how I expected it to work. In Sitecore it gave me the option of what I wanted to do, for example merge data or completely overwrite. In Episerver it just creates new versions of those pages.

I've done some research around this and it seems this is the correct behaviour for Episerver! Grrr..



Is the only workaround to create a tool to do this or is there an add-on that someone has written I could install that maybe has the option to overwrite existing data?

It's fine for PageTypes since it overwrites existing ones, annoying it doesn't do it for page data as well!




Mar 02, 2011 13:51
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