page.LinkURL already contains parameters (id, epslanguage and so on). So you cant pass ?-sign in the parametername. This should be correct:
string url = UriSupport.AddQueryString(page.LinkURL, "docid", DocumentId);
Which would result in /Templates/Page.aspx?id=13515&epslanguage=sv&docid=12345
Why do you set the page.LinkURL?
You could also do this directly in you template (aspx-file).
<%= CurrentPage.LinkURL + "&docid=" + DocumentId %>
I doesn't work. I use a PageList and for every page I create in that list I show the same page but with different content that’s why I need to change the LinkURL.
Here is the code
//delete pages before create new
DataFactory.Instance.DeleteChildren(rightMenu.PageListRoot, false, AccessLevel.Delete);
foreach (DocumentList docList in medicalSourceDocumentsList)
pagelink = DataFactory.Instance.GetDefaultPageData(rightMenu.PageListRoot, 44);
clonelink = pagelink.CreateWritableClone();
clonelink.PageName = docList.DocumentTitle;
clonelink.Property["Title"].Value = pageListControl.CurrentPage.Property["Title"].Value;
clonelink.Property["RootPage"].Value = pageListControl.CurrentPage.Property["RootPage"].Value;
//Build querystring
clonelink.LinkURL = UriSupport.AddQueryString(clonelinkSeeAlso.LinkURL, "docid=", docList.DocumentId);
DataFactory.Instance.Save(clonelink, SaveAction.Publish, AccessLevel.Read);
pageListControl.DataSource = linkDataCollection;
Ok. Deleting and saving pages is kinda time consuming, so it's not recommended to do that on every rendering.
I'm not sure you can save a page with another LinkURL. And in your code I don't think the LinkURL is generated yet, because it needs a roundtrip to the database to get an id to the page.
I would recommend using my other solution, adding the docid on rendering in the pagelist instead. You can store the docid in a property on the page.
<%# Container.CurrentPage.LinkURL + "&docid=" + Container.CurrentPage["DocumentID"] %>
You can also set an external link on the page.
cloneLink.LinkType = PageShortcutType.External;
cloneLink["PageExternalURL"] = UriSupport.AddQueryString(clonelinkSeeAlso.LinkURL, "docid", docList.DocumentId);
PageExternalURL is a built-in property that you find on the 'Category' tab in edit mode. And you should not have a ? or = in your queryparameter name.
Yes i solved it by using querystrings and change the view depending on the id instead of creating pages.
How can I build a correct link that includes querystring parameters? and how can I get the querystring parameters on the receiving page.
I have a
PageData page;
And try to change LinkUrl for that page like this:
page.LinkURL = UriSupport.AddQueryString(page.LinkURL, "?docid=", DocumentId)
and then I use Request.QueryString["docid"]
but I only get the querystring {&id=13515&epslanguage=sv}