EPiServer 4.62 to version 5 migration tool issues



Posting the same topic I submitted in EPiserver 5 Forum.

I'm facing multiple issues while migrating our site from EPiServer 4.62 to EPiServer 5. Any suggestions for any of the below issues is greatly appreciated.

Our website is currently in 4.62 and SQL Server 2005. Prior to migration, I had setup the database recovery model to "simple" mode as suggested by technical notes. I hit the following issues, and hence the migration did not complete.

  • The migration tool hangs up after specific step:
        The tool did not progress any further after the step "Finished migrating object store". After taking long hours to reach this step,
       there was no progress or update to log file and I had to stop the migration tool. Neither there was any trace of request to DB in Profiler.
       Is there any way I can trace what is happening after object store migration step.
  • Migration Log file bloating up:
       After completing the step :  "Migrating object store".. the log file has become so huge (roughly 30,000 KB). 
      Is there any way I can set log file size limit in the migration tool?
  •  XFormData related log message :
     One log message that is repeated often during the "object store migration" step:
      Page with Id XXXXX does not exist, hence dropping XFormData for that page.
      There was an article trying to work around the issue, where it talked about EPiServer blog related code to be added. 
      In our site, we never had anything related to blog. But I still downloaded the template pages and added to the project. 
      But when I try to run the CommentFix.aspx, I was getting null reference error on:
      Templates.Blog.Units.BlogUtil.BlogCommentFormId. I'm assuming that is because I never had and blog comments?. Is there any way I can resolve this issue?



Aug 21, 2012 16:10
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