Disabled icons & enexpandable navigation treee nodes after CMS 5 R2 Installation


We are in the process of migrating our website, built upon EpiServer CMS 5.2, onto a different server.

After logging into CMS however

  • menu icons disabled at top of page
  • navigation tree nodes do not allow expanding  or right-clicks to display menu
  • when clicked, navigation tree nodes link to editable pages
  • pages of CMS can be accessed directly however by inserting URL in browser address bar

We have 2 servers : web server and database server

We are migrating from Windows Server 2003 to 2008, IIS6 to IIS 7.5, database is SQL Server 2008 to same

.NET Framework 2 to .NET framework 4

Appropriate IIS settings and web.config files changes have been made

Any ideas please?


Jul 11, 2013 9:55
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