Multi langauge site - editor logins



I have tried searching for this one, but can seem to find anything.

What settings do I need to apply to ensure that I can create language specific editor logins (i.e. when they login, they can only edit the language(s) assigned to them.

I have created a test language group, but can't work out where to set this group etc to ensure they see the correct content when logging in.



Oct 07, 2010 12:09

As far as I know you can't limit certain editor groups to certain languages but I may be wrong.

Oct 07, 2010 14:57


Actually, there is a new feature in EPiServer CMS 6 where you can limit what users can edit what languages. That setting is done in admin mode, in the "Manage Website Languages" option.

One important note is that these rights are only on a UI filtering level. Ie, they are there to help an editor by removing some languages they are interested in changing. There is no security check in the core for other ways to reach the content (for example like viewing non published pages in view mode).


Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer Development Team

Oct 07, 2010 15:08

Ok. I have managed to get this working now. I can get my user logging in, and they can only see their langauge.

However, I have set up multi language dynamic properties, but when I open this window, all the languages are listed (not just theirs).

I guess this may well be a bug but I am not sure? I did have to follow this "fix" so maybe episerver isn't expecting multilingal dynamic properties

Oct 07, 2010 15:49

That sounds like a bug to me. Was able to reproduce it at added it to our bug system as:

Bug #57711: Dynamic Properties does not filter on access rights for page language


Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer Development Team

Oct 07, 2010 16:39

Thanks. Hopefully a resolution / fix can be created soon.
Where can I register to keep track for the bug updates?

Oct 07, 2010 16:42

We have a public bug list here,

Don't think the bug will be visible there until it has been through triage, but that should happen within a day or two.

Oct 07, 2010 16:44

This is now listed as "Fixed" in the bug list.
How can I obtain the "fix" please?


Oct 11, 2010 12:42
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