Strange issue with fallback langauges


We have got out site’s content set out in our master language, and have then enabled several other languages. Each of these languages has had the fallback language set to be this master language.

This has identified a very strange (and potentially serious) bug/error.

Let’s say as user what’s to edit "PAGE 1" in Spanish. (This page has not previously been created in Spanish).

They go to the CMS, select "Show page tree" as Spanish, click on the page.
Now, as there is a "Fallback" set, they get the preview in the fall back language. (When this was not set, you went straight into edit mode, and the title in the free was italic).

So, I go to edit, and just change the "Name", and "Heading" fields, adding "ES" to the end of both (for testing purposes).
This correctly updates the Spanish copy, but, also updates the master copy too...

This does NOT happen if I don't have the fallback enabled.

Why does this happen? It is really strange? I am pretty sure this shouldn't be happening.
Are we doing something wrong in how we create the initial page?



Oct 18, 2010 13:18


If my understanding is correct this behaviour is out of the box. If you view a page that hasn't been published in a language and fallback is on then you are viewing the fall back language's version of the page. Therefore when you click edit you are actually editing the fall back language page rather than the language branch page. This is because its never been published in that language (look at the "Page view" dropdown at the top right hand side when editing). 

If want to create a specific ES version of the page then your editors need to right click on the page in the tree,. select page languages, then click create against the language they want to create. This will create a separate language branch for that specific page. 


Edited, Oct 18, 2010 14:37


Thanks for the reply.

However, your suggestion isn't going to work.
If I create a new page, it creates a whole page with a new PageID.

I want to create a "branch" off the existing page. (So, not have separate pages for each language).
If you don't have a full-back set, and you want to create a new branch in your given language, you just click in the tree, and you go straight into the edit mode. When you save, you have just created a branch (same pageID)

Also, this has highlighted a security issue. Each language has got a specific group, and you can only administer a given language if you're a member of that group. Only WebAdmins can administer the master language.

Users are able to login with the single language group, and not be a member of the WebAdmin, yet can still edit this master content.

Edited, Oct 18, 2010 14:50


Apologies its my misunderstanding, original post edited with correct instructions for creating a page in another language branch...


Oct 18, 2010 14:53

Right, I can see I can go to "Language Overview", and then click "Create" there...

I would be nice to have an easier way to create the page, but there is still the issue that allows editors to edit the master even if they don't have permission,

Oct 18, 2010 14:54

Thakns David,

I found your suggestion just before you replied.
We can just instruct out editors that they must create pages in this way.

Oct 18, 2010 14:56

No problem Danny, you are correct on the security issue though. I've just replicated it so its worth raising as a bug with EPiServer

Oct 18, 2010 14:59

the issue where editor dosent have permission to edit a language is already reported as a bug. Its not made public yet but still for future reference following is its details

Bug #53664: Editors for only one language can also edit the fallback language.

Oct 18, 2010 16:12
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