Episerver WebPart for CMS 6


Hello Guys,

Can you please tell us how we can create the webpart in episerver 6.0



May 24, 2010 18:08

I haven't worked with webparts in CMS 6 yet, but you could have a look at the webpart framework here: https://www.coderesort.com/p/epicode/wiki/EPiWebParts  That page contains information about the webpart framework, and how you create webparts in EPiServer.

Try downloading the sourcecode and compile it with the EPiServer 6 dlls. Not sure it works, but it should :)

May 27, 2010 12:27

Hi Lars,

Thanks for the response. Actually i was trying to add asp.net webparts to episerver pagetype(Episerver Project), it displayed webpart but the dropdown like close edit menu for webpart was not displayed, where as in normal web application it displays correctly. Don't knwo what's wrong?

Jun 01, 2010 18:26

EPiServer hooks onto the right-click menu, so you will need to change that. I've only worked with the webpart framework when I used webparts, so I'm not sure what you are doing wrong. But, you should have a look at the open source code for EPiServer 6 version of the framework here: https://www.coderesort.com/p/epicode/browser/EPiCode.WebParts/6.x/WebPartsCore

You should be able to see what they are doing different :)   Considering there actually is a web part framework, I'm guessing it's not trivial to get it working. I can really recommend trying the framework!

Jun 03, 2010 11:20

Hi bodahl,

I am new to webparts in episerver......i added my own webpart[based on the steps i got frm an aritcle]


Everything works fine.....but along with Delete,Minimise...........Edit option is not there.......why it happend i didnt understand......can u figure it out if possible.....

Jul 21, 2011 13:17

Which EPiServer version are you using, and which version of the webpart framework are you using?

Jul 26, 2011 12:35

Hi bodahl,

I am using EPiServer CMS 6 and the webpart framework is [WebPartsFramework_CMS5R2SP2_1441[I COPIED THE NAME OF THE FILE WHICH I DOWNLOADED bcoz i dont know the version]]..............

I tried another time also.....but the problem is not fixed.......


Jul 29, 2011 6:05

That is the web part framework for EPiServer CMS 5. It will not work in CMS 6.

Remove everything you have done from Ted's blog post, open your web.config file and search for <!-- Uncomment this section to enable webpart support on the site -->

Jul 29, 2011 7:07

OK bodahl.......i wil check it .................

Thanks for ur quick reply.......

Jul 29, 2011 7:52
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