Upgrading from CMS 5 R2 to CMS 6


I am upgrading the site from CMS 5 R2 to CMS 6. Upgradition was done with some hickups :)

but after upgradation site is compiling sucessfully but when we run the site we get this error "multiple custom attributes of the same type found". It is pointing to the temporary internet files. We cleared the folder but are still facing the same issue.

Any one know what this issue is and how to solve it.



Aug 20, 2010 10:53

Have you re-built  the solution . This could happen if you are using any external component that may still referes to EPiServer 5 dll . Make sure all your projects (even external component reference correct episerver dll of version 6).

Also check if bin folder has all correct version of episerver dll .

Aug 26, 2010 23:55
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