Ingen "Klickbar text" för hyperlänkar i EPi6?


Varför finns inte fältet "Klickbar text" kvar i HyperlinkProperties i EPiServer 6? Om man har en befintlig länk och vill ändra texten i editorn så är det ju inte sällan hela länkningen försvinner.


Det går inte att "få tillbaka den" på något sätt?

Jan 10, 2011 11:32

I think you will get more answers if you write your question in english since alot of the developers on this forum arn't Swedes.

Jan 10, 2011 11:45

The question in English: Why isn't is possible to change the link text in the link tool when editing/creating a link in tinymce?

The answer is that tinymce has a more advanced logic to ensure that is creates valid html. When selecting a part of a html document and creating a link of it tinymce ensures that it becomes valid (x)html. For instance, if the user tries to create a link around several paragraphs this will become a link inside each paragraph since a paragraph can not be inside an a tag.

Because of this, the actual text/html that the user has selected is not necesary the text/html inside of the created link and therefore we can not let the editor edit this text.

Linus Ekström
EPiServer Development Team

Jan 10, 2011 12:45
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