EditorPlugin initialise


Hi guys, have written a custom plugin for the editor and trying to implement it.  I have followed the example here:


And also used the initialise code that I have found here:


The problem I have is when I hit an editor with the tinyMCE area the initialise code never fires and nothing is presented in thet context menu (seems to still be the default IE9 one).

As I understood it the editor plugin initialise class should get picked up by virtue of the plugin definition and implemented interfaces, much like a GuiPlugin (have used these else where in the site fine).

Any ideas on what I should look for or what i might have incorrect?

My initialise code is:

[EditorPlugIn(DisplayName = "Embed Video",
                   Usage = ToolUsage.ContextMenu,
                   MenuGroup = "CopyPaste",
                   MenuIndex = 180                  
    public class EmbedVideoPlugin : ToolBase, IInitializableTool
        void IInitializableTool.Initialize(HtmlEditor editor)
            string dialogURL = editor.BaseURL + "/Editor/Dialogs/EmbedVideoDialog.aspx";
            ClientSideOnClick = String.Format("EmbedVideo(this,'{0}')", dialogURL);
            ClientScriptBlock = editor.GetScriptTag("/Editor/Scripts/EmbedVideo.js", true);



Jun 17, 2011 11:29
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