Changing master language breaks the online editor search


I've seen the post Changes to the Advanced Language Manipulation Tool, used this tool, and although it works great some links break. I've also rebuilt search index, but makes no difference to the search error.

After changing the master language I get a "Pages Object reference not set to an instance of an object", but for only some not all cases. 

I created a new page, Enabled the language "English (United Kingdom)" in admin, ran the tool,  re-indexed, and then disabled the "English" language. All appears to be fine until you search for the page. 

Is there anything I can do to fix this. 



Dec 02, 2011 18:39

This was found to be a problem in one of the dynamic content controls, and nothing to do with changing the language branch, so feeling slightly foolish. 

Great tool, great platform!

Dec 06, 2011 11:57

Ah, not quite there. Now getting an error in the log for different types of content and not related to dynamic content from what I can see. One of the pages is simply linking to an external page resource, and removing the link does not fix the problem.

Here's the error:

2011-12-06 14:04:55,937 ERROR [18] EPiServer.Shell.UI.Controllers.SearchController.Search - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at EPiServer.DataAccess.PageTextIndexDB.<>c__DisplayClass8.<SearchPages>b__7()
at EPiServer.DataAccess.DataAccessBase.<>c__DisplayClass1`1.<Execute>b__0()
at EPiServer.DataAccess.DatabaseFactory.Execute[TResult](Action`1 method)
at EPiServer.Cms.Shell.Search.PageSearchProvider.Search(Query query)
at EPiServer.Shell.UI.Controllers.SearchController.Search(String id, String epiSearchQuery)

I've seen other threads suggesting explicitly setting the LanguageBranch property of the SearchDataSource, but we're not using custom code, so how can this be the case other than the problem being witht he provider.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to the solution to this problem.

Dec 06, 2011 15:37

Finally tracked the problem down. I did a database trace and found the offending stored procedure or at least the code calling it: 

exec netKeywordSearch @PageID=1,@RankAggregateFunction=N'SUM(Rank)',@JoinStatement=N'',@OptionalWords=N'(R.Keyword LIKE @Keyword1)',@ExcludeWords=N'',@MaxAllowedHits=100,@Keyword1=N'test%',@Keyword2=default,@Keyword3=default,@Keyword4=default,@Keyword5=default,@Keyword6=default,@Keyword7=default,@Keyword8=default,@Keyword9=default,@Keyword10=default,@LanguageBranch=default


If, in the procedure, I set the @LanguageBranch to 'en-GB' the search works. 


Dec 21, 2011 19:32
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