Creating a custom visitor group criteria with dynamic dropdown



I'm trying to create a custom visitor group criteria with a dropdown. The only examples I've seen are with enumerators and predefined values in dropdowns. The thing I would like to do is to populate the dropdown with dynamic values from a database. Is this doable at all? Preferably without using ajax but if that's the only way I'm up for it. ;)


Jul 06, 2011 8:46


What you would need to do is to implement an ISelectionFactory. The interface only has one method, GetSelectListItems, that should return the options that should appear in the drop down list.

Then you can decorate a property on your model class with the DojoWidget attribute, do indicatate that it should use that factory. It would look something like this:

[DojoWidget(SelectionFactoryType = typeof(MyCustomSelectionFactory))]
public string MyValue { get; set; }


Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer Development Team

Edited, Jul 06, 2011 10:34

Thank you so much for your help! I'll try that! :)

Jul 06, 2011 12:53
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