Vary/Personalise page property by visitor group


Im and trying to think of ways that a page property can be varied or made personalized by a visitor group.

Within a richtext property, its great to be able to use the personalize button and set content to be viewed by a visitor group. However, for other properties like 'Url to Image' I would like to be able to set a specefic image to be used by a visitor group.

Composer is likely the most suitable route to use for this, but I'd be interested to know what can be achived without composer.

Many Thanks,



Mar 06, 2012 17:38

Hello Adam

I had the same throught myself a while back and did some preliminary investigation work. I came to the conclusion that there is a lot of coding/customisation work required to achive the functionality you have described.

An alternative approach could be to use Lee Crowe's MultipleProperty control:

To allow multiple versions of the property types and select the visitor group they are associated with.

Let me know how you get on or if you come up with an alternative solution.


Mar 08, 2012 15:41

Thanks David - I've had a quick browse of this and it looks very interesting! :) will let you know who I get on.




Mar 08, 2012 16:23

We used the following approach to allow visitor groups for Link Item Collection's you might be able to adapt it to work with Url to Image 

Mar 08, 2012 17:30
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