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Keep PageChanged-data from OriginalPage




I want to copy a page in EPiServer, and I want the page I am copying to get the same exact "PageChanged" value that the original page has. 

Is this possible?

I'm thinking in the lines of 

clone.Property["PageChanged"].Value = originalPage.Changed;
clone.Property["PageChangedOnPublish"].Value = false;
But the copied page still gets the Changed date set to now. 
I can add that keeping the PageCreated-date from the originalpage is working: 
clone.Property["PageCreated"].Value = originalPage.Created;
Any clues how to solve this?


Mar 16, 2012 13:09

Was doing something similiar but I didn't find an elegant solution... I stored the original datetime in my own property and printed that with PageChanged as fallback. Then I cleared my property in the saving event on the next save where where PageChangedOnPublish was true.

Mar 24, 2012 0:20
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