Multiple Authenticated Users for Mirroring



I am required to mirror some content from one main site, into two separate places.

Am looking in the web.config for the source site, in which there is the node...

 <add defaultEndpointName="mirroringTargetEndPoint" chunkSize="4194304" name="MirroringTransferServer" type="EPiServer.MirroringService.MirroringTransferProtocol.WCF.MirroringTransferClient,EPiServer.Enterprise" username="itc-jp" password="obviouslythereisapasswordherebutdontwanttoputit" domain="" />

This works fine mirroring into the one site.

However, the other site has never heard of a user called itc-jp *is an AD account* so is there anyway of adding another authenticated user in this config?



Apr 12, 2012 11:43

Hi Marc,

You sould be able to set up a diffrent account running the service on the other site. The important thing is that the user your using has permitions to run it.

Some questions: 

What authentication are you using on the main site? 

What authentication are you using on the first reciving site?

What authentication are you using on the second reciving site?

Apr 12, 2012 13:15
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* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.