Visitor Groups - Issue with 'Search Keyword' Criteria


Hi All,

I am running into issues trying to get a Visitor Group using a 'Search Keyword' criterion working.  It does work as expected within edit mode and setting the 'View as' context to the visitor group, but when I do a search for the keyword within google and go to the page the content is incorrect.

I am working under the assumption that the 'Search Keyword' criteria is for when a page is opened from a search result link generated by a search engine, i.e. google, bing etc.

I have amended the  episerver.config to include:

    <searchKeyWordCriteria pattern="([#?&amp;](amp;)?(q|p)=(?&lt;query&gt;[^&amp;]+))" />

This is as specified within


I have also created a visitor group with a specific dat criteria.  This all works as expected.

I think there is a configuration issue, but any help would be appreciated.




Jun 19, 2012 12:03

The config snippet above looks like it has the default value(?), if that is indeed the case it shouldn't be necessary to have that explicitly in the config file.

IIRC the "Search Keyword" checks whether the "Referer" (sic) header from the original request matches that pattern at all and if it does, whether the "query" group from the match contains the text specified in the visitor group criterion.


Is it possible that you are just testing with a session that did not start with a request of the "right type"?

Jun 19, 2012 13:29

The config snippet is indeed the default value.  I have added it to the config just in case it was required. 

The test I am running is on the live deplyment via a google search.  The google search term is returning the page I am interested in and when I click on the link, the request is going to google and then doing a redirect to the live site.  This is how I would expect it to work.  I am just trying to wour out how to simulate this within the development environment.

Jun 19, 2012 14:09

We have now resolved this issue.  The problem was not caused by the setup of the visitor group, or by the configuration, it was how I was testing it.

It turns out that the initial referrer url is stored within the session state, thus you will always get a negative result.  When you test this you need to use a new instance of the browser and go directly into google and run the search.  This route will mean that visitor group will work, as a new session will be created.

Jun 26, 2012 16:49
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