Shell controllers returning 404


We have a site where everything is working fine in the developer envoirement, but failing on test and production server. Every request to any action on the Shell Controllers are returning 404.

Unfortunately this includes the built-in search. We're not able to get the search input to show. When clicking the search icon a request is made to http://our-domain/epi/shell/Search/Index/?searchArea=CMS, but this request returns a status of 404. The virtual path is correct set and everything else from /epi/Shell/ClientResources is returned fine. 

It seems to have something to do with the MVC part and the routing not working. The EPiServer.Shell.UI containes 7 controllers and all actions on every controller returns 404.

Anyone having an idea?

Nov 22, 2013 10:55

Have you doublechecked MVC 2 is installed on the servers?

Nov 25, 2013 10:41

Yes. I had the system administrator install MVC 2. But the result is the same. Does MVC 2 have any other dependencies that might not be installed?

Nov 28, 2013 10:42
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