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External url recurring error in logs


Hi, i'm expiriencing the following error in the logs, can anyone help me?

2013-02-22 09:31:53,400 [20] EPiServer.Web.FriendlyHtmlRewriteToExternal.rewritePipe_HtmlRewriteUrl(:0) - Invalid URL: https://, Exception: System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed.
at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
at System.UriBuilder..ctor(String uri)
at EPiServer.UrlBuilder.Init(String url)
at EPiServer.Web.FriendlyHtmlRewriteToExternal.rewritePipe_HtmlRewriteUrl(Object sender, HtmlRewriteEventArgs e)

Feb 22, 2013 10:55

Could someone have added an incomplete link in one of your xhtml-fields or something like that? 

Feb 22, 2013 15:51

I think it must be something like that, thanks. I'll check it with the link validation job and the link status report.

Feb 25, 2013 14:10
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