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Caching Non Master Language PageData objects


Hi all,

As I understand it EPiServer only caches the PageData objects for the Master Language. I'm working with a company that nearly always works on projects that have 3-4 languages and they have raised a slight concern that only the Master Language is cached.

So if I understand it correctly, it does mean that any request to a page that isnt for the master language will always be retreived directly from the Database, which if correct could be a slight concern in some situations. In a way it is presumably mitigated by the output cache as EPiServer will return the HTML from cache (if it exists).

Can anyone add anything to this?

Thanks in advance


Mar 08, 2013 9:46

I do think other languages also gets cached. From the blogpost: "Now we only load the page for the master language (this has to be loaded since the language neutral properties are stored on that page) and for the requested language (in case it is different from master language version).". This should mean that the page that is requested also i cached. The difference is that not all languages is fetched from the base before anyone asks for them.

Mar 08, 2013 9:59
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