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Edit mode to look like live webpages



I'm probably missing something obvious (again) but is there anyway to get the edit mode that the user sees to look the same as the live site.

We have different "styles" for items that are different colours, but in the edit mode all of the items are black, despite the style being applied and visible in the live environment.

Many Thanks.


Mar 06, 2013 15:09

What you see in editmode should always look the same as what you see on the live page. Do you have any css-classes that match the css used in editmode? How do you apply the different styles you are talking about?

I presume you are not talking about the editmode itself, i.e the treemenu. That should still be there and look as the standard edit mode right?

Mar 08, 2013 8:19

Hello Andreas,

No definately not the treemenu!! Just the editable box where the user enters their content.

Apply the styles by using the "styles" drop down in the TINYMCE editor, so nothing crazy!

Mar 08, 2013 10:27

The changes made in the tinyMce editor should be visible at the moment you apply the style, so if you have different color styles, the editor should be able to see them (So maybe some css classes from episerver overrides yours in editmode?). It may not always be som easy to see exactly how the page is going to look when you publish it, but the editor could always use "Save and Preview" right? Or am I missing your point?

Mar 08, 2013 12:42
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