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Publish Page issue when using HTTPS



I have a bit of a strange issue. I update and Publish a page in the CMS - the CMS is using HTTPS.

If I view the site under HTTPS the page has been updated, however, if I view the site under HTTP the changes have disappeared.

Also, If I set the Publish Start and End Date and the End Date Elapses then the page is hidden from Navigation in HTTPS but it still shows in HTTP.

If there is a link to the elapsed page within the page (not a dynamic nav item) the user can still browse to the page - regardless of HTTP or HTTPS.

Is this an issue with Episerver?


Mar 13, 2013 17:03

Hi Jonathan!

Are you running just one site in the IIS with bindings to both http and https or is it two sites?

Mar 13, 2013 18:24


Sorry for the late reply - Im using one site with bindings to http and https.


Mar 15, 2013 11:38

I just thought Id add that we have four load balanced servers all using just one database and the VPP is replicated using replication software to keep them all up to date.

Hope this helps

Mar 15, 2013 11:40

"If I view the site under HTTPS the page has been updated, however, if I view the site under HTTP the changes have disappeared." -> If you touch the web.config on the server where the changes have disappeared, do they show then? Or have you tried turning of pageoutputcache (httpCacheExpiration in episerver.config) on all servers to see if this is still a problem? If so, could it be that your events for cacheclearing is not configured properly? 

Mar 19, 2013 11:21
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