App_Themes CSS gives 404


I get 404 on App_Themes/Default files like CSS etc.
Strange thing is that site is running exact same code as another site on another server - same Web.config and episerver.config.

Path is verified in episerver.config and pointing to existing files under:
C:\Program Files\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\Application\App_Themes\Default

In Web.config I have this:

 <location path="App_Themes/Default">


Any idea?

Jan 23, 2014 15:48

I have this in episerver.config:

      <add name="App_Themes_Default" virtualPath="~/App_Themes/Default/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\application\App_Themes\Default" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider,EPiServer" />


Jan 23, 2014 15:49

You are missing the handler in Web.config:

<location path="App_Themes/Default">
        <add name="wildcard" path="*" verb="*" type="EPiServer.Web.StaticFileHandler, EPiServer" />


Jan 23, 2014 18:51

I have the same issue. 

Happen just sometimes, my settings are the same.

Aug 27, 2014 9:10
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