Lost access to nodes for groups/roles



In short, access to sibling nodes of the StartPage is lost for users who should have access through their roles/grups, while users who have access set directly work fine.


We have a web site that uses EPiServer CMS 6 version 6.1.379.1000, which we upgraded from .1 a few days ago.
We have an Enterprise license.

We have created a new start page and set it up as that in EPiServer.config on the node.

The old pages were kept as parallel (sibling) nodes.

We have a node which is a sibling of the Start-node, which have been working in our previous release (the "OtherWeb" node below).
It is accessed by the same DNS server address with just a /OtherWeb path.
This OtherWeb uses settings from properties on the old FrontPage.

The tree is like this:


- WasteBasket

- StartPage
--- content...

- FrontPage (Old start page)
--- old content...

- OtherWeb
--- other content...


Users that have rights through group membership (Administrators, WebAdmins, etc) do not have access to siblings of the StartPage even if it says so in EPiServer Admin.
However, they do have acces for a short time while the web is starting, after we recycle the App Pool, but then after like a minute or two they loose the access.

My user has direct rights for nodes, and this works fine.

Also, the users with problems, who are members of a group that should give Read access to OtherWeb get to see a menu item that is shown only to users who have access.
But when they click on that item they come to the login page.

We also have the web site on another server, where everything seems to be working fine.
The problem seems to start the moment we set the site in production (that is: we connect the load balancer), when the web starts to have some load.

Could someone please tell me what we're doing wrong here?

Svein Terje Gaup

Apr 16, 2015 13:55

Forgot to mention that users who have rights through membership only also loose access to the wastepaperbasket (also a sibling of the StartPage btw) and the root node.

Apr 16, 2015 13:58
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