Pages Editing in Epi Server


I am using EPiServer CMS 6 R2 and cms versinon 6.1.379.0 and Framwork version While Editing my project in epi server the pages couldn't be edited for modifications. please give any suggessions...thanks in advace...

Sep 26, 2015 7:32

Additional Information:

When we navigated to EDIT mode in admin side we are getting list of pages finely. We are getting an error when clicking on any page.

"Server Error in '/' Application.

404 error occurred.

The requested page/url not existed. "

I checked the web.config and episerver.config file regarding paths of project and those are existed finely.

Can any one tell me solution for this please?



Edited, Sep 27, 2015 6:50

Does you website work outside of editmode? or do you get 404 for pages there as well? 

Could be something wrong with the path to your templates for displaying the pages. Also make sure you have the correct binding in iis mapped to you site setings in episerver.config as well. You can have a look in this thread as well:

Oct 01, 2015 22:38
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