Problems with the PageTree control

Hi, We are using the EPiServer:PageTree control to render a submenu and we have a problem getting the pagetree to instanciate pages in the SelectedItemTemplate and SelectedTopItemTemplate. It seams like that they are not used. Instead all pages get instanciated in SelectedExpandedItemTemplate and SelectedExpandedTopTemplate if they are selected no mather if they have childpages or not. /Matthias
Aug 29, 2007 8:05
Use the Container.CurrentPage.Indent to check witch indentlevel in the the pagetree the page have And use that levelnumber control for example css /jesper snive
Aug 31, 2007 11:40
There appears to be a bug in RC4 as described in the first post - the SelectedExpanded* templates, when defined, are used where a normal SelectedItem/SelectedTopTemplate should be used. This issue is now included in our bugtracking system, and will be addressed. Note: if you want to use the "indent" level to influence your PageTree, be aware that the property has moved from the PageData item to the PageTemplateContainer class. Previous versions of EPiServer: <%# Container.CurrentPage.Indent %> EPiServer CMS 5: <%# Container.Indent %>
Sep 04, 2007 12:56
Has this been solved in cms 5.1? 'Cause i'm experiencing similar problems....
Dec 10, 2007 15:24
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