Static start page


Our client has a site that periodically experiences massive spikes in traffic. These can be predicted however so what we want to do is be able to set a lightweight static page as the start page in order to reduce bandwidth usage.

 I've tried setting the default document in IIS but this doesn't work (as presumably the Friendly URL provider is overriding it). Can anyone tell me how I can accomplish this?

Aug 27, 2008 16:48

The default document for the root of a site usually points to Default.aspx.

I can't see why changeing this to another aspx file should not work?

Kind regards,

Aug 29, 2008 22:32
Neither can I, but it doesn't! In IIS I've set my default document to Accessible-Results.aspx however when I hit the site it just keeps going to Default.aspx. I've even tried deleting Default.aspx from the documents list.
Sep 25, 2008 11:39
You can always tell EPiServer to ignore that path, just google for UnTouchedPaths.
Sep 25, 2008 15:44
That sounds promising, but I can't get it to work. I've tried adding various combinations of "mypage.htm", "Default.aspx" and even just "/" but whatever I do when I hit http://siteurl/ it always goes to the Episerver StartPage.
Sep 26, 2008 17:30

Why not just use asp .net page caching on the startpage (default.aspx) ?

<%@OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="none" %>

Sep 26, 2008 22:16
I'm afraid page caching isn't useful in my scenario.
Sep 29, 2008 11:41
Did you manage to solve this issue?
Sep 11, 2009 11:32
Jul 20, 2010 11:10
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