VirtualPathMappings to another partition


Can VirtualPathMappings map to another partition? On my local system everything is on the rootpartition (C:) and it works. But in the test environment the webapplication-files are on (D:) and the mappings doesn't seem to work.

Would like to know before I investigate it further.


Feb 11, 2009 13:49

We are running several sites where the virtual paths are mapped to another partition, and it works without any problems. But, if you are trying to use a drive which is mapped to a network share (eg G:\ which is mapped to \\fileserver\d$)  you will get an error.

Have you checked the security settings on the folders on the D-drive? Does the IIS_WPG group have enough rights? 

Lars Øyvind

Feb 12, 2009 7:38

The drive is local but:

The path I map to is D:\websites\xxxxx\xxxxx. And the "websites" directory is  shared. Is that a problem?

Or is it only a problem when mapping to a share?


Feb 12, 2009 11:26

only when you are mapping to a share.


does the IIS_WPG group have modify rights on the D:\websites\xxxx\xxxx folder?

Feb 12, 2009 15:59

I will look at that.

Thanks Lars

Feb 16, 2009 11:49
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