Sample Site Source


Is the Community code for the site available as a downloadable project?

If not, I have 'download' rights for the relate web-site - can I simply donwload all the sources to create a wokring project? I already have a developer licence for Community and have installed it, but of course this just gives me the administrator interface.



Aug 07, 2008 13:12
I haven't seen it as a downloadable project, so you have to manually download each file you need. To get a working project you can create a Web Application in VS and add the files. This will get you started I hope. :) 
Aug 08, 2008 14:27

Finally managed to get a working project by adding the downloaded files to the EPiServer PublicTemplates project. Needed to request a couple of controls from EpiServer.

I only have one issue now - I get a null object exception when I attempt to upload videos either in MyPage or the 'global' Video Gallery page - any idesa anyone?

Aug 12, 2008 19:27

Where does this null reference exception happen? A stack trace would probably be helpful for isolating the cause.


Also, is the VideoGallery.config set up correctly?

(The VideoGallery depends on a CDN Provider being set up, there is not really any way to provide a working default configuration as it contains account information, etc.)

Aug 14, 2008 10:48
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