As far as I can see (and test) you code is good.
I have only two ideas for an explanation, and you probably have checked both but in case you have not: Either you misspelled IsHomeBlog in the code or when you created the attribute. Or the blogs are of a type that is not returned by the query, e.g. ExpertBlogs.
I am trying to query for a blog with custom boolean attribute set to 'true'.
I have written the following query to retrieve the blogs with attrubite 'IsHomeBlog' set to true.
BlogQuery blogQuery = new BlogQuery();
BooleanCriterion IsHomeCriterion= new BooleanCriterion();
IsHomeCriterion.Value = true;
blogQuery["IsHomeBlog"] = IsHomeCriterion;
// We only want user defined blogs
blogQuery.BlogType = new BlogTypeCriterion();
blogQuery.BlogType.Value = BlogType.UserBlog;
// Sort by the number of entries
blogQuery.OrderBy.Add(new CriterionSortOrder(blogQuery.NumEntries, EPiServer.Common.Sorting.SortingDirection.Descending));
BlogCollection blogs = BlogHandler.GetQueryResult(blogQuery,1,Limit,out totalItems);
. No blogs are returned now even though I have blogs where ishomeblog attribute is set to true . when i remove the custom attribute criterian, results are returned.
Custom attriburtes work fine with entryquery but not blogquery. Am i doing something wrong here?