Community Abuse Report Gadget - Null reference error


Hi all,

I am receiving a null reference error when using the Community Abuse Report gadget. The gadget seems fine when there are no reports, but after a report is added it causes a 500 error.

The error points to line 58 in the EPiServerCommunity\Views\Abuse\Report.ascx control:

Line 58:  <%= Html.ModerateModeLink(caseItem.SnapshotItem.Author,

Line 59:  Html.Thumbnail(caseItem.SnapshotItem.Author.Image, 36, 36, Html.StripHtml(caseItem.SnapshotItem.Author.Header).Ellipsis(20)
, Html.GetDefaultAuthorImageUrl(caseItem.Item.IsSystemEntity),       "epi-abuseGadget-authorIcon"),

Line 60:                             "epi-linkBlue")%>


I am adding the reports like so:

IReport report = new EPiServer.Common.Reporting.Report(EntityToReport, new UserAuthor(CurrentUser), txtDescription.Text);
                report = ReportHandler.Instance.AddReport(report);

Where EntityToReport is of type IReportableEntity and is a forum Topic entry.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? Or can anyone suggest what I can do to fix this?



Jan 17, 2011 17:28

Can you see what it is that is null when this happens? If not, perhaps you should contact EPiSupport for further assistance.

Jan 24, 2011 14:01

Hi Hakan,


Thanks for the reply. I manged to resolve this by reinstalling Community.



Jan 25, 2011 16:18
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