Membership for Community 7



We're working on a CMS 7 site, and are using Community too. We've installed Community without any problems.

We need to be able to use the Standard EPiServer logins from both SQL and Windows, and then of course the community accounts too. During the install the provider EPiServerCommonMembershipProvider was installed, but not referenced. As we are already using the MultiPlexing provider, should we just add provider3 as the EPiServerCommonMembershipProvider? Can't seem to find any notes for this in v 7?

Thanks in advance


Jul 23, 2013 19:42



Take a look at web.config file. If you installed Relate+ (Community) successfully there is a special Http module:

<add name="EPiServerCommonUserIntegration" type="EPiServer.Common.Web.Authorization.IntegrationHttpModule, EPiServer.Common.Web.Authorization" preCondition="managedHandler" />



Module takes care of synchronizing currently logging is user to the Community users store. You can try to search for Integrator.SynchronizeUser() method usages - I think there was some module that does prelimenary fill of the users from CMS to Community, but I could be wrong..

Jul 23, 2013 23:11

Hi Valdis,

That's a good idea. We're not using Relate+ actually, we're doing a clean install of Community as we are not going to be using much of the functionality so dont want to deal with stripping out all of the templates and all the plumbing that comes with Relate+. I've just taken a look and it appears that the Relate+ site uses the EPiServerCommonRoleProvider / EPiServerCommonMembershipProvider, so I'm not sure there will be any sync by default. Any thoughts?



Jul 23, 2013 23:55

Ok, if you just "plug in" Community stuff then yes - IMHO sync will not be done. We have used Common role and membership providers in mix with other providers as well. Just added those to the map of the providers for default Multiplex provider - as they do not differ from other role and membership providers. Just feeding from different sources :)

Jul 24, 2013 10:00
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