Edit-On-Page language restriction


Hello to all you smart people out there

We have an issue currently with access rights for editors on CMS 6R2 using Composer 4 multilanguage site.

Our customer had an request where they wanted to limit access rights for editors so they ONLY can edit content in a specific language.

As this is a default functionality in EPiServer, we made groups for editors for each country and we defined language access rights for those groups.

Combined with default WebEditor role(which gives them editing rights), we were able to keep editors away from making mess in other languages then the one they belong to.

Now that was working fine in CMS Edit mode, but one thing that we haven't thought about was Composer On-Page-Edit function that editors use a lot. Usually they are only working in a specific language

assigned to them, but they have learned that they can change context culture by adding culture code to url for another language(ex. "[site url]/en-us"). This enables them to use Composer Edit-On-Page for

the languages that they have rights for in CMS Edit.

Is there a way to limit access for editors using Composer On-Page-Edit ONLY to edit content in a specific language defined by EPiServer CMS language access rights?

Thanks in advance!


Apr 30, 2015 10:52

Hi Miso

I am also facing the same kind of problem with my CMS 6R2 using Composer 4 multilanguage site (Red Coral). So kindly do let me know also if there is any possible solution for that.

Oct 24, 2015 13:13
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