Google Ad links being malformed by EPiServer mail


Hi there

I'm pretty sure there is a problem that EPiServer Mail is causing for our static Google Ads so I'm hoping someone has seen this and has some advice..

Basically within our newsletter we have links like:

<a href=";pos=2;sz=300x250;dcove=r;ord=7.5596726E7?" target="_top">
<img src=";pos=2;sz=300x250;dcove=r;ord=7.5596726E7?" border="0">

These work perfectly fine in our mail template when viewed online (directly through the CMS website) but when emailed out the link is intercepted and adjusted to use the /episervermail/public/gomail.aspx for statistics.

There are two problems I'm finding with this gomail.aspx:

1) When the link is adjusted in the sent mail it seems to force all characters to lower so our link becomes like:;pos=2;sz=300x250;dcove=r;ord=7.5596726e7?

-note the "N6673" has become "n6673" and the "E7?" at the end has become "e7?"

2) Secondly is that, even with the correct casing, when making the request to gomail the redirect strips the semi colons and sends you to:

-which, because it has stripped out the semi colons, sends us nowhere :(


If both of the problems did not occur it should have sent us to:;pos=2;sz=300x250;dcove=r;ord=7.5596726E7?

and it would work.


Please let me know if anyone has any ideas.


Jan 13, 2013 12:23

Just to clear this one up, it turned out to be a load balancer was stripping these characters :-/ After much investigation this was determined and was a 5min fix for the hosting vendor to correct.

Sep 18, 2013 5:18
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