

What kind of licenses do I need? I have a EPi CMS license.config that works fine plus a EPiServerRelateLicense.config that also is correct, both placed in web root. Hower I'm still getting the the "Unable to find a valid Community license on disk" popup. I can see in your code that EPiServerRelateLicense.config is the license file you look for and I also see in FileMon that this file is accessed. Having the old NetstarLicense.config makes no difference. The popup keeps messing up all Ajax stuff so I really need to get rid of it.

Feb 20, 2009 16:34

What epi product are you running?

e.g. Relate or stand alone EPiServer community?
Becuase the later do not run with Relate license.

You can order licenses at this url,


Feb 23, 2009 15:41

Thank you for your response.

Well, it's Relate+ I'm talking about. As you can see in my question I have both a license.config and a EPiServerRelateLicense.config so what license should I order at ?


Feb 23, 2009 16:17

Well, then you should have the correct licenses.

A long shoot, but in the past I've seen problems with our license check when Javascript has been disabled on the web browser.

1. make sure you have Javascript enabled on web browser.
2. I'm curious,  What browswer are you using?

Feb 23, 2009 17:03
We had a similar case where the license file somerwhere along the way got saved in another format that UTF-8 and then had illegal characters in it, making the license check regard it as a non valid license. Can you verify the format?
Feb 24, 2009 20:04

Yes, the license I have has code page 1252 - Western European (Windows). If I save it as UTF-8 (code page 65001) it seems to be without illegal characters, but the license check still doesn't like it.

Can you please verify my license (my MAC is 00-1A-4B-79-04-36) if that's in any way possible:

<Signature xmlns=""><SignedInfo><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" /><SignatureMethod Algorithm="" /><Reference URI="#Licensing"><DigestMethod Algorithm="" /><DigestValue>exvVk2gsxTREuVGGQS8uukXa6Tg=</DigestValue></Reference></SignedInfo><SignatureValue>Jx+Ms/DUHOqAbHVTMarl3X15jVZmSs3pbhp+sLeMaWahzJ9UPAy6O2/rE6AV5YMm9q5ap9w7/k7/ZAKA0XhzcpH+Nqec37MPeDZs18mnKjIZHIF8GFgMvpu8MMW/xW4SCxbBR4HlQE0Wz1lSYfjTYn3Er5CshU9QNNNNm+5Y3tQ=</SignatureValue><KeyInfo><KeyValue><RSAKeyValue><Modulus>l8slyw1cbtPccvCM/sgrErnNXJMMYwxsuV74so72eENdDwyV1g4Z1WvVre2Dn6q02bSDlneNhV/625RRD4EG1L9cu8WFWvE/6vCsHy/zA+loVaXnvsJiBmK4j7JDTwRtvE51aoBpiJOkNfrSh3HVD12uxsHW0dMXpMgNSlyoEns=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue></KeyValue></KeyInfo><Object Id="Licensing"><License Name="EPiServerRelate+" xmlns=""><MetaData><LicensedTo>Developer License</LicensedTo><LicensedCompany>Getupdated</LicensedCompany><LicenseNumber>84386</LicenseNumber><LicenseRevision>84386</LicenseRevision><LicenseType>12-Month Partner Developer License</LicenseType><LicenseCreated>2/17/2009 4:33:00 PM</LicenseCreated><UserLimit>1000000</UserLimit><PartitionLimit>5</PartitionLimit></MetaData><Restrictions><Restriction><VersionRestriction From="3.2" To="3.9999" Type="ElektroPost.Licensing.RestrictionTypes.VersionRestriction, ElektroPost.Licensing, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fe83dea738b45b7" /></Restriction><Restriction><MACRestriction Address="001A4B790436" Type="ElektroPost.Licensing.RestrictionTypes.MACRestriction, ElektroPost.Licensing, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fe83dea738b45b7" /></Restriction><Restriction><ValidToRestriction Date="02/17/2010 00:00:00" Type="ElektroPost.Licensing.RestrictionTypes.ValidToRestriction, ElektroPost.Licensing, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fe83dea738b45b7" /></Restriction><Restriction><NotCommercialRestriction Type="ElektroPost.Licensing.RestrictionTypes.NotCommercialRestriction, ElektroPost.Licensing, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fe83dea738b45b7" /></Restriction></Restrictions></License></Object></Signature>


Feb 27, 2009 15:26

Just checking, is the file readable by the application?

(For instance if you moved the file into the web application root instead of copying it there, that may very well not be the case.)


I can't see any obvious problem from what you pasted here, and there doesn't seem to be any non-ASCII characters in it, so there should be no difference between CP1252 and UTF-8 in this instance.

Feb 27, 2009 17:03
It's readable and I can see in filemon that it's read without errors.
Mar 02, 2009 13:22
This is what's happening in Filemon: 14:27:56 aspnet_wp.exe:888 QUERY INFORMATION C:\Projekt\Intranet\Getupdated.Intranet.Web\DEBSKI2EPiServerRelateLicense.config NOT FOUND Attributes: Error 14:27:56 aspnet_wp.exe:888 QUERY INFORMATION C:\Projekt\Intranet\Getupdated.Intranet.Web\EPiServerRelateLicense.config SUCCESS Attributes: A 14:27:56 aspnet_wp.exe:888 OPEN C:\Projekt\Intranet\Getupdated.Intranet.Web\EPiServerRelateLicense.config SUCCESS Options: Open Access: Read 14:27:56 aspnet_wp.exe:888 QUERY INFORMATION C:\Projekt\Intranet\Getupdated.Intranet.Web\EPiServerRelateLicense.config SUCCESS Length: 2223 14:27:56 aspnet_wp.exe:888 READ C:\Projekt\Intranet\Getupdated.Intranet.Web\EPiServerRelateLicense.config SUCCESS Offset: 0 Length: 4096 14:27:56 aspnet_wp.exe:888 READ C:\Projekt\Intranet\Getupdated.Intranet.Web\EPiServerRelateLicense.config END OF FILE Offset: 2223 Length: 4096 14:27:56 aspnet_wp.exe:888 CLOSE C:\Projekt\Intranet\Getupdated.Intranet.Web\EPiServerRelateLicense.config SUCCESS 14:27:56 aspnet_wp.exe:888 QUERY INFORMATION C:\Projekt\Intranet\Getupdated.Intranet.Web\DEBSKI2EPiServerCommunityLicense.config NOT FOUND Attributes: Error 14:27:56 aspnet_wp.exe:888 QUERY INFORMATION C:\Projekt\Intranet\Getupdated.Intranet.Web\EPiServerCommunityLicense.config NOT FOUND Attributes: Error
Mar 02, 2009 14:35
I found out what the problem was. We used the version of EPiServer.Community but that wasn't the latest version (??), instead was the latest (??). I can't really figure this out but now we have a version that works anyway. Thank's for the help.
Mar 02, 2009 16:49
Vote: is the version that was released as 3.2 (as part of the Relate+ package).

The version you had there, while the version number suggests otherwise, is an older, never released version. The version numbering was changed prior to release, hence the lower number.

Mar 06, 2009 17:17
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