Relate is a template like Alloy one and a combination between CMS, Community an EpiServer Mail. So you can't install empty template site. You should install an empty CMS (Webform or MVC) and then install Community on it.
@Huy Ok. I installed right now empty Alloy MVC site using Deployment Centre "Install site and SQL Server database" (In second dialog I selected "Install Alloy MVC Sample Site" and I unchecked "Import Alloy content and redefine Start Page"). What should I do next to install Episerver Relate on this site ?
Next step would be to install the epi Community module. And then after that the EpiServer Mail one. That should give you a "clean" relate solution.
I would however advice to keeping the other releate site you install for as a code example referense.
@Petter Klang I installed Episerver Community (Install Community on existing site) and Episerver Mail (Install Mail on existing site) using Deployment Centre , but I cant see this modules on Admin panel: Admin panel Screen shot
Hi guys! I found a problem (maybe bug). I use Microsoft Live Account to my Windows 8 Pro. This account is Administrator. I instaled Community and Mail but I cant see them in admin panel. Then I created local Windows account , switched to it and loggined to admin panel. Now I can see all modules in admin panel using local Windows account. So looks like Episerver doesnt support Windows 8 (Microsoft Live Account ). So summary: If you have Windows 8 and you use Microsoft Live account then create a local account!!!
Hello! I would like to create an empty Episerver site with Episerver Relate. But in Deployment Centre I have only one item "Install Episerver Relate Site" in section "Episerver Relate". I installed it and now I have Episerver Relate site (Web forms) with pages and other content. So the question is: how can I create Empty Episerver Relate site ? One more question: is it possible to create Episerver MVC Relate site ?
Any help?