Property properties

Hi I'd like to see a way to add "properties to a property". Currently properties derived from PropertyLongString automaticly get the properties to adjust what's to be enabled in the editor. This is (as far as I know) a special case implemented by EP to allow these properties for the editor stored in a special field in the database property table. Why not make this a little more dynamic so that we'll be able to add new properties to our EP solusions derived from PropertyLongString without these properties (showed in Admin) and with our own instead? I haven't put any great amount of thought into how to implement this thus I only have a simple suggestion that describes one way to do it that I feel would be ok. Let's say that we add some kind of (preferably typed) NameValueCollection to PropertyData called ex. SubProperties that contains our "sub-properties". To this list we could simply add our SubProperties (done by the PropertyData class in it's initialization). The SubProperty class could then simply be implemented like this. public enum PropertySubDataType {Boolean, String, PageReference, etc..}; public class PropertySubData { private string name; private string displayName; private PropertySubDataType type; public PropertySubData(string propertyName, string propertyDisplayName, PropertySubDataType propertyType) { = propertyName; this.displayName = propertyDisplayName; this.type = propertyType; } #ReadOnly properties of private properties } This is just an example, the point is that I'd like the possibility to modify the properties of a property shown in admin to get ride of all workarounds with dynamic properties or values put in web.config as I prefer. I also belive this would benefit some of the default properties ex. PropertyPageReference that would much benefit form having a default starting point (PageReference). Regards, Fredrik Lysholm
Jul 27, 2005 10:21
It's an interesting idea. I have added it to the wishlist (issue #37591), we will look deeper into this in the future.
Aug 17, 2005 16:34
The area where the LongString special settings appear today could also be available as a plug-in area. Lets say that we have some kind of attribute on a user control (or just use the GuiPluginAttribute), and an interface, like IPropertyDesigner with an Initialize method that provides us with the property that is beeing created or changed. And some way of storing whatever we'd like from that plug-in. One use of this would be to create a PropertyDropdown, that shows a combobox. The plug-in could provide the editor/admin/developer a way of providing values for the combobox, for that specific instance. Would make for more general property types, and more available customizations.
Aug 17, 2005 22:11
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