Install CMO on an existing, NuGet upgraded 7.5 site.


I need to install CMO on to a live site which has been upgraded via nuget.

The issue I am seeing is that sites upgraded by nuget no longer have any install options in deployment centre, it seems crazy that upgraded sites are not able to install the addons since they should definitely be compatable with them.

Previously I have gotten around this by replacing the Episerver.dll with an out of the box 7.5 version however doing this and running the CMO install fails with an error '<site> node not found in web.config'.  This error does not make sense as 7.5 no longer uses <site> nodes so I am a bit stuck trouble shooting that error.

I have attempted to install CMO onto a blank 7.5 site, copy the web.config/connectionstring changes over to the my site and then nuget the CMO references into my site.  After copying all the changes I could see, CMO still did not run correctly, has anyone attempted this and gotten it to work?

Is there another way I can install CMO?



Dec 31, 2014 12:10
<p>Click the checkbox show all sites and you will be able to install it.</p> <p>I have struggle with this a lot and there are a couple of things to consider</p> <p>* CMO still use the module-folder in the appdata directory</p> <p>*CMO has a couple of dll-files that the installation adds to bin-folder that you have to add to a lib folder yourself.</p> <p>Working with CMO after working with just the CMS after version 7.5 feels like a pain and I hope EPiServer will release some more updates on CMO that makes it better.</p> <p></p> <p></p>
Dec 31, 2014 16:06
<p>Hi Henrik,</p> <p>Forcing an install this way gives me the same exception window as forcing an install the other way: System.ApplicationException: The web.config file for this site does not appear to match the EPiServer schema - could not find a matching &lt;site&gt; node</p> <p>I will look into this error some more as it could be a larger problem.</p> <p></p>
Dec 31, 2014 16:20
<p>For the history books this &lt;site&gt; node not found error I was getting was solved by adding to my episerver.config:</p> <p></p> <p>&lt;episerver xmlns="http://EPiServer.Configuration.EPiServerSection"&gt;</p> <p>&lt;sites&gt;</p> <p>&lt;site siteId="xxxx" /&gt;</p> <p>&lt;/sites&gt;</p> <p></p> <p>Once I added this to the config, the CMO installer sprang into life and successfully installed, thanks for the help Henrik.</p>
Dec 31, 2014 16:52
<p>Seems like that the installer program is not updated to support the latest 7.5 version, report it as a bug and mark my response as an answer if you thought it helped.</p> <p>Happy new year :-)</p>
Dec 31, 2014 22:56
<p>Thanks Simon - ran into same issue here today and found your post.</p>
Aug 03, 2015 18:48
<p>I'm also struggling to get this to work. Can anyone at EPiServer confirm if any movement has been made on this? Everything else is installed via nuget, seems crazy to have one module that is not.</p>
Apr 28, 2016 12:37
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