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Installing another application beneath EPiServer on IIS 6.0 (W2K3)

Hi all, I'm trying to install my own ASP.NET application beneath an EPiServer 4.61 application installed as a site (not a VD). I've installed the application in a subdirectory of the EPiServer installation directory, and used inetmgr to set the directory as an Application (using the same application pool as the EPiServer site). The problem is that when I try to access my application I get the following error returned by IIS: --------------------------- Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: File or assembly name EPiServer.Workflow, or one of its dependencies, was not found. Source Error: Line 122: Line 123: Line 124: Line 125: Line 126: Source File: D:\EPiModuleDemo\web.config Line: 124 --------------------------- In the web.config for my application I have added the following lines to web.config: So I don't understand why when my application initializes it is still inheriting the httpModule from EPi. I've used this technique successfully in Windows XP before, however this time I'm installing on W2K3. I'm wondering if anyone knows of an easy workaround for this? If so I'd be most grateful to hear if someone has successfully managed to make this work. Best regards, Andy
Feb 15, 2007 9:32
Hi Andy, the remove tag does not work on .NET FW 1.1 (even though the documentation says otherwise). It works in 2.0 though. One workaround is to copy the EPiServer assemblies that is causing the problem to the bin directory of your application. I know - it is a pain, but if you want to keep these as two separate applications on 1.1 this is the only thing that works (that I know of). You could copy your assemblies into the /bin directory of the root EPiServer site, and have your application be a part of the EPiServer application, but that might not be what you want to do. /Steve
Feb 15, 2007 11:40
I don't see why it should not work. The trick is obviously to empty also the configSections and runtime sections. I have made the following to get my apps to run as sub-applications:
Feb 15, 2007 14:43
By including empty elements as you're doing above, you're not "emptying" anything, as the settings are inherited from the "level" above, that would be a directory, application, root site, machine global web.config or the machine.config. If the sub application module assembly has to be in the main bin directory (I assume you mean the root EPiServer site /bin directory) then you're virtual directory is not an IIS application, just a directory mapping, which is why it works. That is why Andy is using the remove element, which is the correct thing to do in this scenario. But in ASP.NET 1.1, removing httpmodules in this manner does not work. See for more information. /Steve
Feb 15, 2007 16:04
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