Per Nergård
Mar 16, 2014
(2 votes)

CMS 7.5 XML resources tool

A couple of weeks ago a blogged about a tool for managing EPiServer xml language files.You find the old post here. This was for versions before 7.5 since EPiServer changed the layout of the xml files in 7.5

I’ve made a 7.5 version of the tool. In the process I did a bit of code cleanup and also added support for translating display channels and display resolutions.

I have added the code to GitHub and any contributions or improvements are welcome.



Mar 16, 2014


valdis Mar 16, 2014 03:09 PM

Hi, is whole source code added to GitHub? Would be great to have .csproj/.vbproj file.

Mar 16, 2014 04:04 PM

Added the whole solution now.

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