Mar 21, 2009
(1 votes)

Workflows with EPiServer is really easy!

Technorati-taggar: ,

Yes, I know, this is easy. Perhaps there’s someone who likes simple tasks as well ;-)

{EpiServer Version: 5 R2 and Visual Studio 2008}

I’ve earlier done some side event interactions with EPiServer, eg. when saving a page and save data to an external table for handling comments to a page (in this case an article). No, I will not use XForm data because we have to present the overall comment listings for the web editor, not just this page comments.


I’m going through a very simple and easy example of workflow in EPiServer here.


1. Create a new project in your solution, a workflow project, eg sequential.

2. Define a code block in your schema, eg SendMail and then double-click it!

3. Now, write your code for the event.

4. Compile your workflow and make a reference in your project to the new made workflow!

5. Startup EPiServer and go to admin mode and Tools, workflows.

6. Create a new definition for your workflow.

7. Map an event in EPiServer to the defintion, eg, Page Published against a pagetype.

8. Now you’re done! Everytime a page of your pagetype is published your code will execute.

Mar 21, 2009


Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM

A colleague of made a task much like the one you have made. His only problem was that we were sharing database and I was doing a import job. He manage to turn the job off after 3000 mails :)
/ Anders Hattestad (

Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM

Impressive! Then you should know that 3000 pages successfully where imported ;-)

Sep 28, 2010 10:28 AM

Great and simple example! Just what I was looking for. Thanks!

Jonas Granstrand
Jonas Granstrand Oct 28, 2011 01:50 PM

Which assembly or namespace do i need to add to use Business?

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