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Mats Hellström
Feb 17, 2012
(4 votes)

Two new EMVPs

I’m extremely happy to announce that both Alexander Haneng and Lee Crowe have been promoted to EMVPs.

Yesterday at the Tech Forum in Norway I presented the news about Alexander with the following motivation.

For being one of the most active contributors on EPiServer World, Alexander has, in a very short time, made a name for himself in the EPiSphere. His open source projects have taken off and are being used by other EPiServer developers all over the world. He has been invited as a speaker at several EPiServer meetups where he has presented his work in an exceptional way.

Regarding Lee, I have never received this many nominations from you guys before, which really shows how appreciated he is. Just to give two examples:

“Lee is very appreciated in the EPiServer community and is always interested in helping out. In addition to that, he has made some really nice plugins and is a frequent blogger.”

“Apart from contributing a number of open source projects to the EPiServer community and writing excellent blog posts, Lee has also made several significant contributions to the Page Type Builder project.”

Very well deserved gentlemen!

Feb 17, 2012


Feb 17, 2012 04:21 PM

Thank you very much :o), the honor is greatly appreciated.

Feb 17, 2012 05:41 PM

Congratulations to both of you, good job

Feb 17, 2012 06:06 PM

Great stuff - well done to both of them.

Joel Abrahamsson
Joel Abrahamsson Feb 18, 2012 05:30 PM

Congratulations! Very well deserved!

Feb 20, 2012 09:00 AM

It is a great honor. Thank you very much!

Erik Nordin Wahlberg
Erik Nordin Wahlberg Feb 20, 2012 09:44 AM

I agree, very well deserved. You both have helped to improve the developer and user part of EPiServer with your modules. Keep up the good work!

Feb 20, 2012 10:37 AM

congrats to both. keep up the good work

Feb 20, 2012 04:17 PM

Well done guys, both richly deserved!!

Hampus Persson
Hampus Persson Feb 21, 2012 08:43 AM


Magnus Rahl
Magnus Rahl Feb 21, 2012 10:40 AM

As the #1 EPiServer World camper I have to repeat my tweet here so no one thinks I'm ignoring this and don't want to congratulate you :)

Congratulations fellows! Me, and many with me, are impressed by your contributions and commitment to the community!

Fredrik Josefsson
Fredrik Josefsson Feb 22, 2012 03:42 PM

Congrats :)

Feb 23, 2012 05:13 PM

Well done indeed!

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