Per Gunsarfs
Sep 21, 2015
(7 votes)

Placeholder text for property editors

Last week I ran into a (slightly hidden) feature in EPiServer that I think could be quite useful in many scenarios. So let's share it! 

What I found it that it's possible to add placeholder/watermark text to the property editors. That is accomplished by setting the "Promt" property on the "Display" attribute for the property. So this code:

 [Display(Prompt = "Enter title here")]
 public virtual string Title { get; set; }

Would generate this:

The caveat to all this is that it will only work for "simple" property editors. I tested it on basic textboxes and date selectors, and it worked great. However, for more complex ones, e.g. a content area editor, the placeholder text will not be shown.

Sep 21, 2015


valdis Sep 21, 2015 04:30 PM


Sep 21, 2015 08:09 PM

Nice! To bad it doesn't work for contentareas.

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