Steve Celius
Jun 8, 2010
(1 votes)

Deployment in EPiServer CMS – Slides from Partner Summit


At the EPiServer Partner Summit 2010 in Malmö I did a presentation about deployment in EPiServer CMS.

If you did not attend it, you missed topics like:

  • Planning
  • External Dependencies
  • Installation
  • Server Options
  • IIS configuration differences
  • Shared VPPs
  • Cache Invalidation
  • Continuous Integration
  • Virtualization
  • Security
  • and more…

Luckily for you – it is all downloadable here, right now. Enjoy!

Jun 08, 2010


Sep 21, 2010 10:33 AM

/ Stefan Forsberg Sep 21, 2010 10:33 AM


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