Kristian Elmholt Kjær
May 19, 2018
(3 votes)

Custom View Locations for Pages, Blocks and more


In a typical Episerver, or MVC Applicaton for that matter, the Views specified in a Controller are resolved by paths defined in the System.Web.Mvc.RazorViewEngine.

The paths for Views are:

  • "~/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml"
  • "~/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml"

In Episerver Page Controllers, we need to specify an Index-method with the Page-type as method parameter, like this:

public class StartPageController : PageController<StartPage>
    public ActionResult Index(StartPage currentPage)
        return View(currentPage);

If we take a look at the paths above, the name of the Controller (except -"Controller") will be used at "{1}", and the name of the Action is used at "{0}", meaning default View path for our Controller above will be:

  • "~/Views/StartPage/Index.cshtml"

Flooding of "Index.cshtml" files

If you like me, use ReSharper and namely the "Navigation -> Search Everywhere/Go to Type" function to navigate/find your Views files, the amount of Index.cshtml files you'd end up - by default - becomes annoying. You probably already know this, but the files and folders in your Website project, will be something like this:

  • Views
    • StartPage
      • Index.cshtml
    • LandingPage
      • Index.cshtml
    • CasePage
      • Index.cshtml
    • ArticlePage
      • Index.cshtml
    • Etc. etc.

Thankfully, we can make up for that!

Creating a custom ViewEngine

Go ahead and create a new class that inherits System.Web.Mvc.RazorViewEngine. Like this:

public class EpiserverViewEngine : System.Web.Mvc.RazorViewEngine

To define your own paths for Views (Pages and Catalog-nodes) and PartialViews (Blocks, Partials), add a constructor and set the value of ViewLocationFormats and PartialViewLocationFormats. Like this:

public class EpiserverViewEngine : System.Web.Mvc.RazorViewEngine
    public EpiserverViewEngine()
        var partialViewLocations = new[]


        var viewLocations = new[]


        PartialViewLocationFormats = partialViewLocations;
        ViewLocationFormats = viewLocations;

The above paths are the ones I use, and it gives much more flexibility. 

Potential problem

I've seen other examples of this where the paths above, are all set to the ViewLocationFormats property - and that includes both Views and PartialViews. This results in Episerver/MVC potentially resolving PartialViews as regular Views. And as we know, a PartialView should not be rendered with a Layout, which also includes model inheriting being a requirement.

I was trying to render a ContentArea in which I had inserted a Block of mine, and that resulted in an exception with the message:

The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'EPiServer.Core.ContentArea', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Namespace.IPageViewModel<T>'

It took me quite some time debugging why this became a problem suddenly. When it finally struck me, that the PartialView belonging to my Block was being resolved as a regular View. So talk about a eureka-experience!

Register your ViewEngine

To register your new EpiserverViewEngine, create an InitializationModule - like this:

public class ViewEngineInitializationModule : IInitializableModule
    public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
        System.Web.Mvc.ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new EpiserverViewEngine());

    public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context) {}

You are now ready to use it. You can leave your StartPageController (example above), and use paths like these instead:

  • Views/
    • Pages/
      • StartPage.cshtml
      • LandingPage.cshtml
      • CasePage.cshtml
      • ArticlePage/ (Folder to bundle stuff together)
        • Index.cshtml
        • _MyArticlePagePartial.cshtml
    • Blocks/
      • NewsletterBlock.cshtml
      • TeaserBlock.cshtml

Feel free to use this, modify it and happy coding!


May 19, 2018


valdis May 20, 2018 07:34 PM


I would rather look for some use-cases driven coupling (e.g. feature folders). colleague of mine has been busy lately to improve FeatureFolders view engine.. ;)

May 21, 2018 09:32 AM


One thing to be aware of is that GetPartialView is called when @Html.DisplayFor (or @Html.PropertyFor) is called so register patterns using only {1} and not {0} (that is only using controller and not the actual object/type passed into DisplayFor/PropertyFor, that will be {0}) can give some unwanted result. 

If you register the custom engine with "Engines.Add(yourEngine)" (as you do) then it will be fine since then the default view engine is registered before the custom one and that one handles DisplayFor for primitive types like string. If you however register the custom engine with "Engines.Insert(0, yourEngine)" then you could get unexpected results.

You can try that by register the engine with "Engines.Insert(0, yourEngine)" instead and then in the view for a block call something like @Html.DisplayFor(m => m.SomeString). That call will fail with a message saying something like "cant cast string to theBlock". 

So the recommendation is to always (as you do) register a custom view engine after the default one.

Puspack Travel
Puspack Travel Sep 8, 2018 06:46 AM

its very helpful for all the new comers. You mentions all the step very clearly and its very informative. Puspack give a thumbs up for your effort.

Balvinder Singh
Balvinder Singh Sep 10, 2018 11:16 AM

very nice information you share with us. i like it. please update this kind of more information here


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