Maciej Golis
Jan 8, 2019
(3 votes)

Image Cropper Property Editors (using ImageResizing.NET)

Happy New Year All!

There are many ways an image crop can be defined. As we know, editors do like as much flexibility as possible :) Having discussed various approaches with multiple content teams, we have decided to enable cropping at the page or block level.  

We made 2 editors available:

  • Image Reference
  • Image Reference List

The aspect ratio can be defined for each instance of the property editor individually


Image can be assigned by drag and dropping it into the drop zone:

Once the image is dropped, Image Cropper dialog is displayed:

Of course, any image can be edited or deleted at any point. Moreover images in Image Reference List editor can be reordered:


The NuGet package is available in the EPiServer Nuget Feed. The source code and the implemenation guide can be found on GitHub.

Jan 08, 2019


Jan 8, 2019 03:26 PM

What I'd like it to be able to fix the ratio. If a shared image is being used in a block/page that's a fixed 16/9 area it would be good that the editor only supported that ratio and would mean large images could be reused across the board. Else users can still crop an image out that then when rendering through might be displayed in a different ratio

Maciej Golis
Maciej Golis Jan 8, 2019 06:46 PM

Hi Scott,

This is something that is supported out of the box. Please have a look at the code snippet below:

[ImageReference(CropRatio = (double)16/9)]
public virtual ImageReference SingleImage { get; set; }

Thanks, M

valdis Jan 9, 2019 06:31 PM

hey, this is nais that you finally packed it up as nugget :) would be cool if you could add syntax sugars for rendering picture tag as well (

also would be awesome to jump to StructureMap v4.x

don't take it like critisism :), I just don't have naything else to do as reviewing foreign code.. i added coupe github issues. just my old man 2 cents :)

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