Feb 28, 2021
(4 votes)

Delete Multiple Variants From Product & Catalog

In EpiServer sometimes you need to Delete Multiple Variants from a Catalog and Product.

We can do that by using CatalogSystem.

Here I am going to show you how we can remove the Variants from Product & Catalog.

We may have two things:

  • Delete Variants by Product
  • Delete all Variants under Catalog

To perform this we will pull all the catalog items first then we will look product nodes under it then variants and remove those.

Delete Variants by Products:

public void DeleteVariantsByProduct(ContentReference productContentReference)
            var children = _contentRepository.GetChildren<CatalogContentBase>(productContentReference);

            foreach (var child in children)
                if (child.GetType().BaseType == typeof(VariationContent))
                        // Delete 
                        _catalogSystem.DeleteCatalogEntry(child.ContentLink.ID, true);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        // Log Exception

I created a Variant Service Class where you can find the two Methods for Delete Variants by Product and Delete all Variants under Catalog.

using EPiServer;
using EPiServer.Commerce.Catalog.ContentTypes;
using EPiServer.Core;
using Mediachase.Commerce.Catalog;
using System;

namespace DemoCommerce
    public class VariantService
        private readonly ICatalogSystem _catalogSystem;
        private readonly IContentRepository _contentRepository;
        private readonly ReferenceConverter _referenceConverter;

        public VariantService(
            ICatalogSystem catalogSystem,
            IContentRepository contentRepository,
            ReferenceConverter referenceConverter)
            _catalogSystem = catalogSystem ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(catalogSystem));
            _contentRepository = contentRepository ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contentRepository));
            _referenceConverter = referenceConverter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(referenceConverter));

        public void DeleteVariantsByProduct(ContentReference productContentReference)
            var children = _contentRepository.GetChildren<CatalogContentBase>(productContentReference);

            foreach (var child in children)
                if (child.GetType().BaseType == typeof(VariationContent))
                        // Delete 
                        _catalogSystem.DeleteCatalogEntry(child.ContentLink.ID, true);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        // Log Exception

        public void DeleteAllVariants()
            // Get Catalog Node Items
            var catalogItems = _contentRepository.GetChildren<CatalogContent>(_referenceConverter.GetRootLink());

            foreach (var catalogItem in catalogItems)
                //Loop through all catalog items
                var nodes = _contentRepository.GetChildren<CatalogContentBase>(catalogItem.ContentLink);

                foreach (var node in nodes)

        private void DeleteCatalogEntries(CatalogContentBase node)
            var children = _contentRepository.GetChildren<CatalogContentBase>(node.ContentLink);

            foreach (var child in children)
                switch (child.ContentType)
                    case CatalogContentType.CatalogNode:
                    case CatalogContentType.CatalogEntry:
                        if (child.GetType().BaseType == typeof(VariationContent))
                                // Delete 
                                _catalogSystem.DeleteCatalogEntry(child.ContentLink.ID, true);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                // Log Exception


Thanks & Regards


Feb 28, 2021


Praful Jangid
Praful Jangid Mar 1, 2021 07:19 AM

Good start Sunil, Keep it up. Will read it and provide you my feedback on this.

Sunil Mar 1, 2021 07:21 AM

Thank you Praful :)

Quan Mai
Quan Mai Mar 1, 2021 08:55 AM

You can use the content API all the way, which is the recommended way to do so. Mixing between content API and DTO Api is not recommended.

Also I don't think this will work

public void DeleteVariantsByProduct(ContentReference productContentReference)

{ var children = _contentRepository.GetChildren<CatalogContentBase>(productContentReference);

Sunil Mar 25, 2021 02:45 PM

Thank you Quan for your time to view my post & sorry for the delay in reply.

I agree that DTO API's is not recommended over Content API's now I have updated the code.

Please let me know if any issue.

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