PageTree listing with startpage results in StackOverflowException


Hi. I'm new with EPiServer and I'm trying to do a PageTree that shall show all pages down from the startpage including the startpage itself. I have tried to do like this so far.



menuPageTree.PageLink = PageReference.StartPage;
//menuPageTree.PageLoader.GetChildrenCallback = new HierarchicalPageLoader.GetChildrenMethod(LoadChildren);


menuPageTree.PageLink = PageReference.StartPage;
menuPageTree.PageLoader.GetChildrenCallback = new HierarchicalPageLoader.GetChildrenMethod(LoadChildren);

And the LoadChildren-method looks like this:


private PageDataCollection LoadChildren(PageReference pageLink)

PageDataCollection pages = DataFactory.Instance.GetChildren(pageLink);

pages.Insert(0, DataFactory.Instance.GetPage(pageLink));

return pages;


The error that I get is a StackOverflowException and it asks me if I have an infinity loop but I can't find one. If I remove the line which inserts the pageLink-page at the first place, the code works but I don't get my startpage as the first item.

I'm I doing it wrong? If so; Any ideas how to make it right?

Adam Solander


Feb 16, 2010 14:30

The pages.Insert(0, DataFactory.Instance.GetPage(pageLink)); will create a infnite loop.

Have you set ShowRootPage=true?

Feb 16, 2010 15:08

I hadn't found that one. But now when I tried it I didn't get the result I wanted. I wanted the startpage on the same "level" as its children but not the same as its grandchildren.

This structure should result in this code:


 - News
 - About
 - Examples



And the only way i found so to do what I tried to do. Why does the pages.Insert trigger that function again? :/

Edited, Feb 16, 2010 15:52

Take a look at MainMenu.ascx.cs in the PublicTemplates project (/Templates/Public/Units/Static/MainMenu.ascx.cs).

protected override void OnLoad(System.EventArgs e)

    Menu.PageLink = PageReference.StartPage;
    Menu.PageLoader.GetChildrenCallback = new HierarchicalPageLoader.GetChildrenMethod(LoadChildren);

/// Creates the collection for the main menu, adding the startpage
private PageDataCollection LoadChildren(PageReference pageLink)
    PageDataCollection pages = DataFactory.Instance.GetChildren(pageLink);
    pages.Insert(0, DataFactory.Instance.GetPage(pageLink));
    return pages;
Feb 16, 2010 22:48

My code is based on that code, but the "pages.Insert() causes an infinite loop and I can't understand why.

Feb 17, 2010 8:24

Ops sorry, was a bit fast posting that :). What happens if you use all the code in MainMenu.ascx (just use that user control instead of your own), do you get the same error?

Feb 17, 2010 11:33

It works perfectly with the Menu-control that is in the MainMenu.ascx as default. No error.

Feb 17, 2010 13:02
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.