The edit functionality tabs has dissapeard in edit mode.



I'm a developer and using CMS 5, suddenly when I enter the edit mode of EPiServer all the edit functionality tabs were gone. the only one left was the view tab. I cant edit anything anymore and I can't figure out what has happend. The site is a Global site with many languages.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?


Thanks in advance


Oct 23, 2009 9:46


The edit functionality tabs are all EPiServer plugins, so something has gone wrong with the loading of the assemblies containing the plugins. I'd suggest that you turn on EPiServers logging, "Warn" should be enough, and restart the site. Look for any errors that occur during startup. An early error could have the effect that subsequent assemblies are loaded.


Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer development team

Oct 23, 2009 10:26

If the modules are active and you have all EPiServer assemblies in your bin folder (compare web app with bin folder in program files), also examine if you have enabled all languages on the start page by clicking Language Settings > Available Lanugaes.

Oct 23, 2009 10:34

Have seen this issue before on upgraded sites and after loging to that site we found out that two dll's were in bin folder that didn't seem to belong there(i.e. EPiServer.Templats.Demo and other was related to file manager). And after removing those from bin folder the edit tab showed up in edit mode.

Could you try to log as suggested by per and see if you get anything from it.

Oct 23, 2009 11:26
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